File : SPH2.TXT Author : Bat Bastard BBS : The Banana Republic BBS SPHEROIDS , PART 2 THE ADVENTURE CONTINUES. . Resisting an almost overwhelming temptation to induldge in a little necrophilia, Tilly made good her escape. This cannot be sais for the man from social welfare , who happened upon the charred corpse several hours later. He gave the body a suriptitios squeeze, before disappearing into the night. wheeeeeee.......... SPLAT! (night falls) Creeeeeeeeaaaaaak! SNAP! (dawn breaks) Next morning, when mummy had left for the department of social welfare, Tilly went to Lacy's room "Success" she chortled ."now its YOUR turn Lacy, you must kill mummy!", so that the family fortune will be ours1 Lacy gulped . Like the queen of hearts, she believed on doing at least 6 impossible things before More: top, onstop, < ENTER > to continue? breakfast, but she hadn't figured on murder. However Lacy knew that Tilly suffered from severe bouts of penis evnvy, so she figured shed better do as she was told. But how to kill mummy? Slam! Lacys thoughts we interuppted by the door slamming ,signalling Mimmys return. Lacy noticed thet Mummy was carrying a marmite jar. "Oh No, mummy, she said. you've been at that nasty Peter Sinclairs house again." "shut up, slag-child" said mummy. "he may be a raving bender, but with the money he pays, buggers can't be choosers "( (c) 1939 W.Churchill".) Lacy continued to ponder her task.......... ****TO BE CONTINUED********** don't forget the read the next exciting episode of...... ...... SPHEROIDS!!!!!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR : Bat Bastard ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brought to the WORLD by The Banana Republic BBS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------