-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-> How to build a simple <-=-= -=-=-> Terrorist device from <-=-= -=-=-> a Coke Can <-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-> The following is docs <-=-= -=-=-> on building a very <-=-= -=-=-> cool gernade made from <-=-= -=-=-> Calcium Carbide <-=-= -=-=-> and water in a Coke Can <-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-> Re-Written by Nitro <-=-= -=-=-> <-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Material: ^^^^^^^^^ Calcium Carbide Coke Can Rubber Cememt Water Medium Size Test Tube A Cork wider than the mouthpiece of the Coke Can Knife Introduction: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A carbide bomb consists of a basic chemical reaction between calcium carbide and water. Procedure: ^^^^^^^^^^ 1. First go to any hardware store and buy some calcium carbide. They should have it because carbide camping lamps use the stuff. The stuff should look like small pieces of gravel. 2. Get a empty Coke Can, fill the can with calcium carbide so it fills about 1/4 of the can. 3. Fill the test tube with water. Place the test tube inside the can through the mouthpiece. 4. Now you are faced with an mouthpiece. Most people can't find a propane torch to melt a piece of metal on the opening ao if you can do that then what you can do is take a cork larger than the opening of the mouthpiece. Take a knife and etch in a ring about 1/4 - 1/2 inches above the small end of the cork. Now carefully wedge in the cork (It may take a while) into the mouthpiece. After it slips into the wedge in ring. Let it sit for a day so it somewhat returns to a bloated cork. A wise thing is to have a bit of rubber cement around the cork when it goes in so water can't get into the can. To test, soak the can in a pot of water and place down and stay away for a few hours. 5. To use this nasty item, just throw it and when the can hits on any hard surface it'll break the test tube and water will react with the gravel and BOOM. It is better to use it for some fun, scare someone. Fig. 1 Top view of the can --------------- - - - !-----!------- Place cork in opening - !-----! - Put glye around cracks - - --------------- Fig. 2 Cork Wedge ---------- \ ______ / \ /------- Wedge it with a knife right here ------ FIG. 3 Coke Can grenade over view _ \ /---- Cork ----------- ! _ ! ! ( ) ! ! ( )------ Test Tube with Water ! ( ) ! !****( )**------ Calcium Carbide !*********! -----------